"You're so beautiful Queen, your energy is so dope. Like your lips so sexy, you don't know
what I would do to you."
*record scratch*
Let's run this back: so you romanticize my energy (which you are unfamiliar with) and
then immediately segue into sex?
Within 15 seconds (I have to reread it a few times because you wild) I am instantly put
off. It makes me wonder if you're calling me Queen because you actually view me as an
reverent being, or because it supposed to make me swoon?
Is me being a Queen contingent upon how you view me or is it based on who I truly am,
flaws and whole? Because, let's be honest...if I'm unresponsive to your advances, it
won't be long before I'm a bitch.
My reluctance to being called Queen is not because I'm fickle, it's because your
intentions are unclear.
Yes, some women enjoy being called Queen; I honestly don't even mind depending the
person. But when one woman does not mind being called Queen and another woman
does...simply respect both choices. Believe it or not, there is no universal formula for
interacting with women.
And peep game, I can hear you rolling your eyes on the other side of your dirty ass
screen saying "It's not that deep..." Well if it's not that deep, it shouldn't be a difficult
concept to grasp...unless you have no intention or desire to grasp it.
So pardon us if we'd prefer to be called our names until we notify you otherwise.
It wasn't until recently (like the last month) that Tori Collins decided to start taking her writing seriously. She was full-on running from it and had the nerve to shout "I just want to find my purpose!" She's come to her senses, but she enjoys looking back on the pieces that were birthed when she believed writing to be "just a hobby..." Feedback is always welcome, rock with her on the site: thegoodnatured.net